By Anonymous - 08/10/2012 17:27 - United States - Placentia

Today, I cleaned out my house and placed multiple boxes of clothes and books in my two-seated truck to take to the Goodwill. While turning onto the highway, everything tumbled on top of me, sending me crashing into a guardrail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 595
You deserved it 8 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they wonder why people don't give to the poor.

Oh no! I hope you and your car are okay. Next time maybe strap the boxes down in the truck bed.


What's the point of owning a truck if you are going to put boxed of stuff in the front seat

RealReality 12

Are you an idiot or just read the FML wrong? He did mention there are two seats, but if the boxes are in the truck, how would they have spilled onto the road? They were in the bed.

Are you an idiot or just read the FML wrong? He did mention there are two seats, but if the boxes tumbled on top of OP, how would they have spilled onto the road? They didn't.

Bigmoneyshotz 0

Haaaa YDI! At least you didn't hit anyone else's car!

pookie0939 7

uhmm. why didn't you just put them in the back of the truck and strap them down?

PhishloverA 14

Are you gonna blame that one on gravity since it pulled the boxes down onto you when you entered the highway? Hopefully you're okay. I hope all goes well when explaining that to the cops and your insurance company

PhishloverA 14

On the other hand OP, seatbelts weren't made for only humans. Also, pickup trucks have beds for reasons

fyreprincess 3

chiming in with the others who are pointing out the obvious. why didn't you load your stuff into the back of the truck?

Keyword "Truck" why are you cramming stuff into the front when you have a TRUCK?