By Anonymous - 08/10/2012 17:27 - United States - Placentia

Today, I cleaned out my house and placed multiple boxes of clothes and books in my two-seated truck to take to the Goodwill. While turning onto the highway, everything tumbled on top of me, sending me crashing into a guardrail. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 595
You deserved it 8 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And they wonder why people don't give to the poor.

Oh no! I hope you and your car are okay. Next time maybe strap the boxes down in the truck bed.


Kristoffer 35

When I carry stuff on the front seat of my car, I know how to keep it from causing an accident. Though I could just put it in the back seat or the trunk and be done with it. That said, as others have pointed out, you have a pickup truck. Why wouldn't you put the stuff in the bed?

aaghmylife 9

Couldn't you have taken two trips?

Chel2010 10

Did you think about seatbuckling it in at least, if there was no room in the back? I have a truck and if my bed was full, it's what I would've done as ridiculous as it may look. Just saying.

SexyMexi21 23

and that's why you have a truck BED!!!

Is it a pick up because of so why the **** didn't you put them in the back instead of beside you

And you should've gotten a ticket to your own dumb ass fault