By Username - 13/02/2011 02:17 - United States

Today, I cleaned up my dog's crap after my wife asked me. 5 minutes later she yelled at me for being lazy as she slammed the door leaving for work. My dog shit in the exact same spot apparently to make me look stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 714
You deserved it 3 720

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Miss_gord 0

"stupid dog you make me look bad":)

maybe it was your wife and she was blaming the dog? :o


bubbarific 0

wow tht bitch is rlly given u a lot of trouble, and the dog is not exactly making it situation any bttr! LOL

*rolls eyes* Yes, OP, your dog deliberatly knew you cleaned it up and decided with the human thought process it doesn't posess to crap there again so it could watch your bitch of a wife yell at you. You ARE stupid; you don't nee your dog's hl to show it. This post serves that purpose wonderfully. The dog doesn't know what was going on. Animals are creatures of habit. The dog is clearly used to ******** there and so it did as it had before. It doesn't have the mentality reqired to deliberately do ANTHING to make you look foolish. Dogs do what they will because they, like ALL OTHER ANIMALS, live ENTIRELY BY INSTINCT. Animals do nothing unless their instincts tell them they should, and they are incapable of thinking like humans do and making choices. YDI for accusing an animal of something it can't do, as well as for being an incompetent dumbfuck. Grow up and get a life.

HAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA. Somebody's sarcasm radar is apparently broken. OP OBVIOUSLY doesn't think the dog did it to make him look stupid. The only one who looks stupid here is you.

I love how you get so pissed, and call OP stupid even though his FML doesn't say anything about his dog having intelligence. That was #2's doing. If you really feel the need to write an essay on an fml comment, get a life.

HCOstyles 0

very smart dog next time u should make ur wife do it that's part of her job

Why don't you train your dog to go outside and walk it often?

hipiegrl09 4

Hmm well we know who wears the pants in your relationship! :)

SAM5000 0

I hate FMLs like this! Your pet is not secretly plotting against you to make you look bad! It's an animal! It's actually just returning to the spot it went before because that still smells like it's toilet. Use a biological cleaner to completely remove the odour, walk the dog more and work on house-training. Take some responsibility and don't take it out on your pet because you had an argument with your wife!

@#80 The OP does imply his dog has the intelligence to mastermind a plan to make him look stupid.