By resurrected - 04/09/2013 15:59 - United Kingdom - Worthing

Today, I collected my new timetable at college only to find I've been dropped from all my classes. I've been listed as deceased. I'm definitely not dead and have no idea how I supposedly died. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 102
You deserved it 2 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's going to be okay OP's ghost. You're in a confusing point in your afterlife. You lived a good life though.


how you died? my money is on drug overdose... but let me know when you find out!

Is it possible that you died and forgot about that?

What's good Jesus... How are my boys Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego doing?

Well at least OP can go to college for free now...

He could stay their forever and take all the classes and become a genius at everything!

Are you sure you are not in the afterlife? Just floating around until your reincarnation...

I've heard of being randomly or accidentally dropped from classes, but that's just crazy! Definitely go to admissions and straighten this out ASAP so that if you, hopefully, get back in, you won't be too far behind. It's likely, as weird as it sounds, that you were just mistaken for someone else. Just one digit in an ID or soc can **** shit up fast. Good luck!

I'm sure there's a way you can have fun with this OP.

OP should play along with this and then burst in on his own funeral.