By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


Cheating is bad, but so is causing BODILY HARM FOR CHEATING. I mean... really? It's just cheating.

YDI for cheating, FYL for being honest and getting that.

You're a unloyal bastard. I hope he beats your head in with it. YDI

LunarDubstep 24

If you cheat on your girlfriend who has been faithful to you what make you think she should forgive you? If you cheated on her you don't deserve her and if you really loved her then why would you go with another woman?

Melodyrain 20

YDI, there is no sympathy you at all ...and she has an awesome dad