By Anonymous - 28/05/2013 16:51 - United States - Ozark

Today, I confessed to my girlfriend that I cheated on her. She told me that she needed time to think, and left. An hour later, her dad came by with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 223
You deserved it 146 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't really think we would sympathise...


Now that's one over-reaction from her dad's side. As long as you're not injured though, I hope this fright-of-your-life changes the way you treat people in the future.

what was he going to do? face charges for assaulting a minor (?) with a deadly weapon? Have some balls.

Did he actually threaten you, or was he just holding it menacingly? If he did threaten, that guy is batshit insane.

greggly123 6

Next time keep your mouth shut. Even though your a dick for cheating, you should still press charges against the father. Agg Assault is still a felony, whether you screwed over his daughter or not

Ummm, your fault for being a cheating scumbag...

LookAttMyyLifee 12

Guess honesty isn't always the best policy

pancakewaffles 7

sorry you brought that on yourself...

Why the HELL are people voting that his life sucks? He totally brought that on himself for cheating!