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By Anonymous - 08/05/2011 19:21 - United States

Today, I confided to my dad that since the recent breakup with my boyfriend of 3 months, I feel down all the time and life doesn't feel worth living anymore. His loving advice was for me to "grow the fuck up and get your sentimental head out of la-la land." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 079
You deserved it 72 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the man is NOT a dick, he is in fact a genius. That man knows where it's at


Sounds like my dad. Go talk to a professional if you really are as down as you claim to be.

Sometimes harsh words get the message out more clearly. You were only with him for 3 months and are already contemplating death, which to be honest, is quite immature. Did you even think about how your Dad raised you from when you were a baby till now? If you're going to die for someone, make sure they're 101% worth it.

ThinkBlueFoo 0

in a fee weeks or months you'll see that he was right.

hughsmith 0

he is right! only 3 months!

the reason her dad said that was because he thought it would smarten her up and strengthen her. but it's also true with what 4 said. suicidal about 3 months is a little much.

blah1049 0

Only 3 months ? Wow, get over it, that's nothing.

I remember seeing this EXACT story a few months back, except the father's response was different. Originality is a foreign concept to people nowadays, eh?

Finally, after reading al those comments someone found the point of why she deserves it.

hahahyou 0

Sometimes you jut have to suck it up. I mean three months is a long time (for you i guess), and yeah youre dad was harsh. Suck it up!