By Catherine - 10/06/2012 18:11 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I confronted my husband over the fact that despite me working two jobs to support us for the last three years, we're nowhere near our goal of buying a house. He actually had the brass balls to defend pissing my money down the drain on his ceramic cat collection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 692
You deserved it 5 953

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darien987 1

Because he's not manly enough to have balls of steel.


YDI for not maintaining control over your own money OP. Youre the one working and he isnt so he should not access your money if hes not willing to pitch in and get a job.

courtneyann211 10

Really? So because my husband is the only one working, I shouldn't have access to our money?

if all youre gonna do with it is blow it on useless crap like ceramic cats

TayonaC 10

That's her husband. Maybe he hasn't given her a reason not to trust him with money.

...Except for the bit about the ceramic cat collection, of course

I bet his isn't shit compared to mine..

melibear89 7

This isn't about you don't make it about you and if your life sucks then do something about it instead of whining about on some else's FML.

O RLY, 72?!!?? ......... :/ *runsintobrickwall*

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I believe that he was saying that OP's husband's collection isn't anything compared to his..

Jessj958 19

72, I think you need to read the post a little more carefully next time.

OP you seem angry and I'm sure this is one sided. It's easy to justify to yourself how important your purchases are, but i'm sure many people have a lot of trouble understanding how someone else can 'piss money down the drain' on stupid shit. Sure I have no interest at all in ceramic cats, but they're obviously important to your husband.

he's not the one paying for it though, he should support his own collection

How would you like it if your spouse spent your hard earned money on non-necessities without you knowing?

OP said it is a collection, presumably bought over a period of some time. How could he be buying this stuff with 'her money' without her knowing? She deserves it if they haven't come to an agreement about budgeting until their finances stabilise.

Time to start keeping the money you make to yourself.

I think he needs a kick in his brass balls... *sigh* Fine, that does sound a little mean. Maybe just make him sell off those ceramic cats somehow (I can't imagine anyone buying any of those, except for crazy cat ladies...) and make him help you save up money.

ceramic cats are actually pretty creepy, and I thought only old women liked them but obviously not

DontClickOnMe 28

So, if he's pissing your money down the drain, does that mean he doesn't have a job? Maybe you should encourage him to try and find a job.

Am I going crazy or is this the exact same comment as #1 ?

DontClickOnMe 28

FML is being stupid for me and messing up my comments -_- but you're also going crazy :P

This is one of the rare times I can say this without being perverted: It's time to smash some pussy, Op. I'm ashamed now.

TheEpicMilkMan 13

may I join in? I need revenge cause the cats attacked me and took my milk D:

I know this is kinda extreme but could I suggest leaving him? Wasting 3 years of your money is pretty extreme. Also if he is still being a b*itch, test how brass his balls are and kick him.

This is one of the few fmls where "dump him" is a considerable option.