By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point

Today, I continued my habit of saying, "It smells like lung cancer over here" any time I see a smoker. This guy turned out to be an amateur MMA fighter, and I was his "workout" for the day. I guess his lungs are doing fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 928
You deserved it 59 180

xd3box tells us more.

xd3box 4

I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?

Top comments

I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.

You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.


It's not you job to criticize other people for making decisions that only affect them.

CamdenMarie 6

Okay. 1.) You never give a smoker shit about their smoking. 2.) You're a self righteous asshole. 3.) Try minding your own business next time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish working on my lung cancer.

rock78_fml 6

Stop judging! I hope you learned from that ass kicking. I would have kicked your ass too because who do you think you are? I can tell from your post that you do alot of bad shit. Fix yourself and leave people alone; you never know who'll get up and kick your ass!

People who can only react with violence to an offensive remark are pathetic. FYL OP, nobody 'deserves' physical violence unless they are the ones that physically attack others.

How long have you been saying that, OP? Because it sounds like you've been wishing painful death upon the people on the streets out loud. Some people would take it as an attack. Sooner or later you were bound to happen on someone who would respond with violence to that.

Holy shit i know the guy that kicked your ass!

Congrats, you're legally obligated to report him for a crime! Sure hope he wasn't your friend, the guy sounds like a deranged idiot.

VioletRaven1 8

Hope he was your friend and u have a bit of a laugh bout it and talk bout how he deserved it 4 being a PRICK and ********

I agree people bitching about smoking outside are assholes. You bitch about pollution what about the car or truck with the bad exhaust spraying discucting fumes all over the place. Did you ever stand on a sidewalk and have a diesel truck drive by. That don't spell that good it's also pollution. What about the person to lazy to bath the Body odor is more gross than the cigarette smoke. Or the women that takes a bath in perfume that bothers my asthma more than smoke. Infact the strong perfume gives me a migraine

The point is smoking gives EVERYONE around (yes, even outside) lung disease. Not just cancer. And not just lung cancer. People who smoke are selfish and ruin the health of others.

The point Is op was an ass. There are a lot of other things that give people lung cancer. Not just smoking inhaling gas or diesel fumes ain't good for you either.what about the chemicals in the stinking perfume a lot of women bath in. What about the chemical put into the air every day by the factories. That Is just as bad as smoking OP deserved to get his ass kicked

Car fumes can be really bad but over here there's a legal limit and we have MOTs to ensure that people don't go over the limit and have cars that spew black clouds everywhere. It's only your opinion that BO is worse than cigarettes - personally I think BO does smell worse but it doesn't make me cough so I'd rather sit next to someone with BO than a smoker. And I'm sorry you have such a problem with perfume but the difference is that the affects are short term not ling term and it's probably not harming EVERYONE that is near it. Also shouldn't that make you realise how horrible it is to have something that makes you feel ill inflicted on you through someone's elses ignorance?

Oh, and smoke doesn't travel nearly as far as BO and perfume which are simply exuded not continually puffed out.

Around here it is not uncommon to see a car that burns oil. Driving down the road with a big cloud of black smoke behind it. Probably not good on your lungs and yes that does linger longer than cigarette smoke. Like I said what about the factory with the big clouds of smoke rolling out the chimney. When was the last time you were around someone with bad BO and got so sick you puked I have. I also have emphysema from inhaling industrial chemicals not from second hand smoke. As for perfume those effects can be long lasting. Every time I'm close to a pig that took a bath in perfume. I get a migraine they can last days. I also been taken to the hospital because my asthma is that bad it took my breath. Last time I checked you need to breath to live so yes the effect of the stinking perfume can be serious if you asthma is that bad. So if you bitch about the cigarette smoke then you should bitch about the pig with the perfume on do thick you can taste it. I have smelled women ten feet away they had it that strong

Fine then, bitch about both (or just avoid them both if bitching isn't your thing). I don't mind you having a problem with certain things (my opinions on what is worse may differ but opinions do that), I just don't see why you say 'people bitching about smoking outside are assholes' then bitch about a whole host of other things. Just because perfume and whatnot affects you worse doesn't mean that smoking is magically good or doesn't affect others worse. Surely either it's fine to have a problem with them or it's not. You can't have it both you're either saying it's fine to bitch or you're calling yourself an asshole. : / Also, I'm sorry cars around your area are so sucky.

Most cars here are not that bad but some are. I'm not saying smoking is better it stinks and is unhealthy. But bitching and being an ass ain't gonna stop someone from smoking. Anymore than telling the pig with the perfume she stinks is gonna make he take a are better of to keep your mouth shut and walk away.if you can't do that you deserve to get an ass whooping.

monkiki62 5

Ydi dumbass. No one cares about other peoples 2 cent opinions. If you dish it you gotta take it.