By xd3box - 25/07/2012 04:10 - United States - High Point
xd3box tells us more.
I don't usually see people coming back to comment on their own FMLs, but I wanted to see what people had to say. 136, I don't make a habit of walking by smokers. I've just had a few too many family members diagnosed with lung cancer from what should be called a lethal drug. I wasn't trying to be condescending with my remarks. I was simply giving a harsh reality in a way that could possibly cause him To put the cigarette down. To add on I'll ask a question to everyone: How angry would you be if you found out you had lung cancer or emphysema some second-hand smoke?
Top comments
OP might have been an arse for his comment, but hell, smoking is a nasty habit, OP deserves a beating as much as the smoker for screwing everyone's lungs around him. Whats wrong with all this MMA amateurs these days anyways...
YDI for being obnoxious. if you feel the need to make a point just cough loudly and glare. its none of your business what anyone else does
OP, your wording makes me think that you go around saying this to every smoker, regardless of whether the smokers are in smoking areas or not. Hence, you ******* deserve to have your ass handed to you. If a smoker is within a smoking area, then you have no business going up to them and telling them your personal opinion about the hazards/risks of smoking. While I agree that the MMA fighter shouldn't have kicked your ass, I feel that in this case, he was a bit justified. Like someone else said, there should be consequences for words, and you, for sure, got yo' ass beat for being a righteous dick-face.
Smokers hate you too, you're pretentious.
You righteous twat.
"I continued my habit of.." clearly indicates that you do this on a regular basis. Whether or not you go out of your way to say it to people isn't clear, but regardless, what gives you any right to shove your snide, pretentious comments down another person's throat? Yes, we have freedom of speech, but there is a pretty common precedent that you respect the people around you. You are an arrogant, disrespectful little asshole. I disagree with his response to your narcissism, but I can't say you didn't have it coming. He overreacted and responded way too aggressively, but you obviously provoked him and probably the entirety of others you have said this to. Learn respect for the people around you. It's his right to smoke as much as it's your right to freedom of speech.
You do realize that it's their choice, so you shouldn't be a dick to people you don't know.
That's a good thing to say, maybe the person will reconsider smoking. But next time, be careful who you say it too. FYL, I don't see how you deserve it, you were helping!
Saying things like that does not make any smoker reconsider their habit. On the contrary, it makes them mad, just like anyone who is being attacked for a personal choice/vice. I don't tell every obese person I serve that maybe they should rethink the fried food and get a salad. it's just rude.
yeah i hate people like you so ******* smug maby now you will notice when people have callouses on their nuckles and realize hey ... maby i shouldnt have verbal diahreaa today because the forcast could include my ass getting kicked by someone whos a tad meaner than i am
You don't honestly expect anyone to take you seriously when you can't spell half the key words in your sentences do you?

I don't see how you wouldn't deserve that.
You should mind your own business in future, they made the decision to smoke so let them get on with it.