By Anonymous - 27/01/2013 06:10 - United States - Batesville

Today, I decided to change my hair color. After waiting in anticipation, I took a shower to rinse out the dye and reveal my new, blue hair. Rinsing revealed not only blue hair, but blue skin caused by the watered dye running over my body. I now look like a smurf, and it's not coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 458
You deserved it 42 607

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Andr913 13

Well, now your skin matches your hair!

Time to legally change your name to 'Smurfette' by deed poll...


I don't have any tips because I wear washable spray dyes, but at least you didn't use red then people would think you forgot sunscreen. People are stupid and would judge you no matter what, so red would be worse I would try Vaseline.

msrabbit625 4

Rubbing alcohol will help get the die off your skin

Isopropyl alcohol in a cloth will get it off

chelsearenaeee 16

You're supposed to rinse it so it doesn't get on your body.

SwtCherryPie 26

Thats why you wash your hair in the sink after dying it. YDI.

Ydi or coloring your hair blue in the first place! Common sense would think that the dye would run.

judgmental shitsack. go away. nobody likes you. or your stuck up personality.

kittykatmama 3

Try vinaigrette it worked getting the red dye off my head and neck

Hand sanitizer helps get color off the skin. But this is why you should always just get it professionally done to begin with.

Honestly if you knew anything about doing your hair you would know you don't "dye" it you color it. Second the color washing from your hair would not color your skin. Unless you stood there like a lazy person. If you actually showered I highly doubt that your skin would have been blue.

squideth 18

People say "dye", don't be so condescending

Uhm if you actually knew anything about anything you'd know that no matter if OP stood there lazily and showered or showered with arms flailing, jumping up and down, the dye would color her skin as well. If you're going to answer like you actually know something you should really know wtf you're talking about.

Right sorry I forgot that I haven't colored my hair pretty much every color that I yes indeed took a shower to wash it out. I have never had a problem with my skin color changing.