By Anonymous - 27/01/2013 06:10 - United States - Batesville

Today, I decided to change my hair color. After waiting in anticipation, I took a shower to rinse out the dye and reveal my new, blue hair. Rinsing revealed not only blue hair, but blue skin caused by the watered dye running over my body. I now look like a smurf, and it's not coming out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 452
You deserved it 42 600

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Andr913 13

Well, now your skin matches your hair!

Time to legally change your name to 'Smurfette' by deed poll...


Try nail polish remover! You might have to scrub it, but it'll work!

No big deal, It'll fade after a couple of showers. When i dye my hair, I also dye big parts of my skin since I'm not careful at all where that color goes. Not so bad when I used red, purple and pink, looked a bit funny when I used black!

Hence why hair salons dont have their customers shower the dye out of their hair. And the instructions state to protect your skin. Read much?

mpj13 8

You blue it. Better luck next time

TellMeWhatsDeath 14

I've had experience, except I was purple:') Use some rubbing alcohol.. or toothpaste.

Nothing wrong with looking like you're a Na'vi from Pandora.

I hate when that happens. It'll come out after about a week. Sadly there's no way I've found to speed up the process. -has had blue hair for over two years.

bigtaytay 13

La la lalalala sing a happy song

That's why you bend your head over the tub. YDI