By Anonymous - 10/05/2013 16:48 - Norway

Today, I decided to end things with my boyfriend, thinking it would be fine since things have never been at all serious between us. He cried for hours before having his grandmother text me to say how heartless I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 182
You deserved it 8 546

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobpwn12321 6

Grandmas always have cookies to heal hearts


brentman28 5

o but whay about 10 and 3 quarters

You're always 10 in grandma's eyes.

If his grandmother stepped in to "fight" for him, then you made the right choice to break it off. He is obviously not mature enough to handle his own problems in life.

*You've got one new text from your clingy ex-boyfriend's grandmother*

Maybe he really loved you. Some men just don't show it.

Why is there so many " I agree your life sucks" I bet if it was a guy doing it to a girl it would be " you deserve it " written all over.

No. If the FML read, "Today, I broke up with my girlfriend thinking it would be okay since the relationship has never been serious. She cried for hours and then I got a text from her grandma calling me a heartless bastard. FML" then the comments would mostly express something akin to "Bitches be crazy." Whining about so-called double standards and using them as justification is just as stupid as participating in them.

Yeah, your comment couldnt be more from the truth. There may be double standarss constantlt, but its very true that people would be saying pretty well the exact things, except not 'maybe he did truly love you'.. that'd of been 'man, glad you got out of that early! or 'dodged the bullet on a clinger!'

I only said it cause I knew you guys was going to say double standard related comments. I wanted to start a sexist war.

Why his grandmother is my question...if things were not working out before this shows he doesn't have the balls in general to even talk to you about the break up...

xAkonz 10

Wow, a grandma that can text?? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Welcome to 2013. His grandfather should be at least 50..60 years old, which means he was born somewhere in 1950s or 1960. People that old can text.

monnanon 13

they would need to be fairly young then to fit two generations old enough to date into 50 years. i mean my parents were born in the 50s and 60s and yes they are grandparents but to a three year old. actually this fml is reallt sweet if you think of it in the context of the type of boyfriend girlfriend relationships had in primary school lol.

Do the maths, if I'm 20, my parents had me at 20 and their parents had them at 20, how old does that makey grandparents?

monnanon 13

that would make your grandparents 60 at least however it was more to do with them being born in the 50s or 60s whichy parents were. well the very end of the 50s but oh well. i never said iy wasnt possible just that they would have to be young.