By Brunette, small breasts - 24/07/2016 18:51 - Romania - Campina

Today, I decided to finally talk to my crush. I said, "Hello" to which he replied, "First, dye your hair blonde and grow some boobs, then we can talk business." FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 033
You deserved it 1 411

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an ass. Sounds like you dodged a bullet there.

You are so lucky! Now you know what he is all about and you can avoid him. If someone is just after appearance, they will always find something that needs to be fixed. The ones I feel sorry for are the blondes with a full bust. He might be nice around them at first so they may not realize what an asshole he is!


AssCancer 5

I doubt this actually happened

Really, of the 7 billion people on this planet, you don't think a situation like this could happen at least somewhere? You don't think there's at least 1 guy who can be this much of an asshole to a girl? This situation is highly plausible, probably one that is on the more plausible side.

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Yeah, demanding one changes their appearance to fit their standards is so hilarious.

neuronerd 28

I hope that ended the crush for you.

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Clearly a weapons grade twat. You dodged a bullet there.

Scrat382 8

What a self-opinionated asshole! What did you reply? Get some brains, then we can talk business? Definitely not worth being your crush....

Jachin357 28

What a douchebag! I bet you are beautiful the way you are OP! Find a man that loves your looks just as they are.

da_epic_failman 7

Sounds like the equivalent of when a guy says "hi" to a girl, and she says "I have a Boyfriend!"