By crossfitter - 21/05/2015 12:22

Today, I decided to get in shape for swimsuit season, so I went to the gym. I tried to lift a barbell up and over my head, which was fine, until I dropped it. Exercise earned me a concussion and a neck brace. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 267
You deserved it 11 517

Same thing different taste


Don't blame exercise, blame your flabby arms for not holding up the weight.

Hmm exercise didn't earn it, being a dummy did.

You gotta be careful! You'll heal though(:

Why would you do that if you're out of shape. start with the basics. YDI

Your name says crossfitter. This is what happens when someone doing cross fit tries to do REAL excercises

JCal585 8

Body weight. Then dumb bells. Then bar bell. There is always a way to modify to your ability level, and any (good) trainer should be able to show you an exercise to switch it to- just ask! They're nice people.

Gym rule number one: if someone injured themselves lifting weights, add more weight to the bar before calling the ambulance