By Bassackward - 25/08/2016 05:53

Today, I decided to pop the question to my beloved. Perfect lighting, fresh cut roses, a fancy dinner. The restaurant was in on it too. Shame they brought out the wedding-themed congratulations dessert before I actually went down on my knee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 911
You deserved it 1 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, did she say yes?! Damn cliffhangers!

Well, as long as they said yes, I don't think it's too much of a trouble. Hope everything worked out well! Congratulations!!! ...Oops


aredvulpix 23

Awwww, that sucks! I hope they still said yes, OP!

Was it at PassionFish? Cause I work there lol

I'd assume she said yes, else her saying no would probably be part of the FML.

Even though I work at a restaurant and my co worker asked a table if they wanted to have their birthday cake yet - not realising it was a surprise- and completely ruined it... Damn restaurants..

buttcramp 21

Damn OP that sucks. You went through all this effort and planning for it to be ruined. Careless on their part, but as long as she said yes! That's what matters.

It's ok, I bet y'all will laugh about it one day :)