By JenniWearsPrada - 20/04/2011 08:27

Today, I decided to start my exercise video routine. It's an African dance workout DVD. Just as I felt confident and motivated about getting in shape, I realized that my window was wide open and my neighbors were getting a front row seat to me waving my arms in the air like an idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 969
You deserved it 26 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just ignore them, you're trying to make your life better while that's all they can do with theirs >_>

Did they bring folding chairs onto your front lawn, put down an esky full of cold drinks, and give you a standing ovation? If not, you're not doing it right.


devilbuddy66 5

its ok your getting fit their gaining fat sitting in a chair watching you ...what stalkers

higgy6969 7

this is an fml??? wow what a tough horrible life you have.

I wish I was your neighbor. mine are pretty boring.

sure u weren't dancing the African Mating Ritual from "Can't Buy Me Love"?

I love African people. They have the best tans.

JoeyVapeman 0

You're doing African dances, you say, and are "waving your arms around like an idiot." Wow, so Africans are idiots? That's just RACIST.

haha this is funny they wouldnt like to see me