By Screwed - 07/08/2009 23:35 - Canada

Today, I decided to surprise my husband by bringing home a case of beer and renting us a porno. He decided to surprise me by telling me he was leaving me for his pregnant girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 207
You deserved it 4 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

God damn, that is just grade A bullshit right there. Well, at least you aren't the other woman. Just think; everyone knows she's a **** now, getting preggers from someone's HUSBAND. You on the other hand have one less asshole in your life.

When you divorce him, squeeze every penny out of the bastard!


That is so messed up. I hope he finds out the kid isn't his in 10+ years

Na, it would be better to find out in 20 years after he's done supporting the kid.

Yes, Infla, that is CLEARLY the best option. O.O That shit just makes you look desperate and SAD. **** your husband he's clearly an idiot who had an awesome girl, **** and beer sounds like a time to me(and I'm a girl)!

MrsLeesha05 0

I second that! But instead of beer it's smirnoff =D

i think her idea was to have drunken sex and not a wonderful night of romantism and poetry

Wtf. What I want to know is why this implies you knew he had a girlfriend. It doesn't really matter though. Divorce his ass and leaving that cheating jerk with nothing. You can obviously prove he cheated, so you can take him for every dime he owns.

Not true, it is only half and that is if he doesn't have a good defense attorney. Cheating is not illegal and mean that somebody is entitled to another's possessions.

Damn, im sorry for you, that rat-bastard, he should be luckly for you to do that for him, and he goes off and becomes a dick. He's only going to regret it in a few years. KARMA.

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How does she deserve it for thinking it was romantic? She didnt even indicate that she was trying to be romantic. I'm sorry this happened to you, OP. You deserve MUCH better! Jeez, FML is becoming such a hot spot for retarded trolls and fourteen year olds.

pkstarstorm; If you think **** and beer is trying to be romantic ... then I pitty you

#32, you fail at life (and reading comprehension). If you were trying to respond to #24, you got the username wrong *and* missed/misread what the person was saying. If you were actually responding to #18, you entirely screwed up. Normally I'd laugh at you and let it go, but I hate stupid people.

#44, fail. What she said was 'if you thought **** and beer was TRYING to be romantic', indicating that if #18 was foolish enough to interpret the OP's actions as an attempt at being romantic, he was stupid. Clearly the OP wasn't trying to be romantic, she was trying to set the stage for a fun night of drunken sex in unconventional positions. So before you accuse someone of 'failing at life' and being a 'stupid person' who deserves laughing at, reread it and make sure YOU ******* understood, kay? You arrogant retard.

Ummm are you a guy. Beer and porno. Are you going to watch the game afterwards? Bastard

maybe_tomorrow 0

Wow, you sound like the wife that all guys dream of. He's an idiot. Sucks for him, and you're going to be the one better off, I can guarantee it. Go find someone who actually deserves you.

michaelaranda 28

You CANT guarantee it.... You dont know OP

You should have seen that coming if your marriage has gone down to having to get home beer and prono to spice things up. Whatever happened to the good old days of coolwhip/chocolate syrup and trying out new moves??

Theres nothing wrong with **** ... I watch **** with my gf every now and then and its fun. She likes it, I like it, and we discuss **** too sometimes (different types/themes f websites always stand out for discussion)