By kissandcontrol01 - 10/10/2015 04:22 - United States - Hanford

Today, I decided to take a well-deserved shower. When I let my hair down, twenty six cents fell onto the floor. I have no idea how they got there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 615
You deserved it 4 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Check for more. Maybe you'll find grandpa's watch.

You should save it and put it towards a hair cut...

Well deserved ? Money fell out your hair ? A shower is always well deserved and if you have access to it why do you have 26 cents falling out of your hair ? ?

After the words "well-deserved shower" and money falling out of her hair, I'm kinda wondering what OP does for a living...

Well it's the first time I'm hearing money falling out from someone's hair.

How is this an Fml? She got free money

I have a theory. 13 different people gave you their 2 cents. Just a theory.

sh4ll0truth88 8

I guess you wanted to change your mind