By -_- - 28/07/2013 22:58 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I did a photoshoot with my boyfriend and his buddy. We drove out to the countryside and set up on top of a hill. My boyfriend kept having me move further and further back. I eventually fell and rolled down the steep hill, while he and his buddy high-fived each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 771
You deserved it 7 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments


It sounds like he didn't think or care if you got hurt falling down the hill...just wanted the satisfaction of being funny to his friend. Question is, are you ok with being the butt of his jokes? If so, then I'd be looking over my shoulder from now on.

did they get a picture? thats not very nice of them but maybe later you can laugh at the picture :)

You should have checked over your shoulder and see where the end I the hill was...

Just remember what come around goes around

SleeplessBeauty 12

Umm, is anyone else curious as to what kind of photoshoot OP was doing with her boyfriend and his buddy?

laurapiggy 3

Your boyfriend is a dick. Dump his ass.

1dvs_bstd 41

I saw something like this the other day on "One thousand ways to die" where a douchebag was trying to kill his girlfriend in eerily similar fashion (without the buddy) for insurance money to use with his other lover but fell and hit is head on a rock and died. Be careful.

I want to soooooo do that to my sister in law now