By -_- - 28/07/2013 22:58 - United Kingdom - Birmingham

Today, I did a photoshoot with my boyfriend and his buddy. We drove out to the countryside and set up on top of a hill. My boyfriend kept having me move further and further back. I eventually fell and rolled down the steep hill, while he and his buddy high-fived each other. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 771
You deserved it 7 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments


1jordan1 11

That's not even funny that's cruel. I really hoped you dumped his ass.

Oh wise up! Let a few people have their fun and take the rod out of your ass, please.

He obviously thought it was a funny thing to do. All op needs to do is explain why they're upset and why it was a stupid thing to do.

Dump his ass and do something about it. They celebrated because you were in pain. you've gotta report them.

What a loser her should really respect you coz you are his gf not one of his buddy really drop him dead

Is this a photoshoot of the scenery or a fake "model" photoshoot of yourself where you dress up in stupid fairy outfits and prance around like an idiot, because if it's the later, then I'd make you fall down the hill too. And I'm saying this as a person who knows actual "women" (who act like children) who do pathetic things like this.

gatorgirl2669 6

those baatards ball sacks would pay dearly.. what asshats

I hope you dumped him. He pretty much laughed while you could have died.