By Ohgreat - 17/10/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, I discovered I was at the same restaurant as my ex and his new girlfriend. Quickly, I picked up my mother's phone when she wasn't looking, and began to pretend to talk to a fake new boyfriend. Few seconds later, the waiter loudly asked me if I was done talking into the calculator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 543
You deserved it 46 761

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI idiot also, you don't have your own phone to pretend to talk to someone with? that makes me think you're, like, 12 or under which makes it less of a big deal


greatnt249 0

For future reference, "it's better to have people think you're a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." Should have just ignored them, OP; it's not like anything beneficial would have happened if your ex happened to overhear you on the phone with your fake boyfriend.

ManUpFucker 0

She just wanted to "prove" she was over him when she wasn't.

blondeychck7 0

who keeps a calculator in their purse?

Lol, I do. Its for class and it helps for tips. A lot of people carry around a calculator actually, its not uncommon.

ruben7467 0

I know someone who's not getting a tip.

Who cares? Your ex-boyfriend is not going to harrow you if you don't have another.

I can't even begin to tell you how stupid that was. You must have no common sense. YDI

another fml about exboyfriends kinda getting old