By Anonymous - 12/03/2010 20:53 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sewdevastated - 18/05/2016 02:02 - United States - Fremont
Gamba streams ruin lives
By Anonymous - 08/02/2023 11:00 - United States - Saint Paul
By Anonymous - 29/11/2011 00:01 - United States
By gemtas5 - 21/09/2013 17:28 - Sweden - Malmö
Respect the dead
By what the fuck is wrong with her? - 27/07/2022 10:00
Mix up
By Anonymous - 13/04/2012 21:10 - United States - York
Love is blind
By Anonymous - 27/09/2021 05:02
By Jonnyboo - 29/08/2009 12:13 - United States
Smooth delivery
By Evol1nOC - 11/01/2022 22:59
By photonut13 - 15/07/2010 10:52 - Canada
Top comments
throw out her wedding ring! jk, but I am sorry :( my dad's mom passed away when he was in his 20's and then when we were on vacation he found a bunch of her belongings in an antic store. his dad put her stuff in the care of a neighbor and then moved so they had no way of getting it back to them. it was hard watching my dad have to decide what he wanted most based on what we could afford. Look at it this way, she can't take your mom out of your heart :)
What the ****? Go sob your eyes out to your Dad about it, make sure he knows how devastated you are. Maybe even mope around a bit. He needs to get rid of the bitch, and you need to make him do it.
I agree.
if that was me I'd wreck a bitch
I'm sorry May I suggest getting 7 midgets(or dwarves) to chase her off a cliff? In all seriousness, that's the only FML that's moved me. I'm really sorry. Talk to your dad or another family member. Maybe there's something out there of hers.
Wow! That was a horrible thing to do on her part. Sounds like something my step-monster would do. Did she realize that it was from your mom? If so, I would take something that she really treasured and it would "magically disappear".
what a bitch..
this fml is an actual fml. tehehe.
Your step mother is an awful human being.
that sucks man aww I still have mine in my room.
I know, I have mine in a box under my bed and I'll probably always keep it. I'm not afraid to admit it! This is just terrible. What a bitch.
me neither haa mine is so cute I'm gonna always keep it
how is that cold hearted?????
ohh I see well seeing what happend to the op didn't really mean to Bragg about it if I was.
@144: It's not cold hearted-they were just saying how there's nothing wrong with having your baby blanket, no matter how old you get. I'm 19 and I still have mine. The OPs stepmom should have realised that the OP really cared about it.
uhm, how is that not cold-hearted? do you have a heart but dude, I'm sorry for your loss :(
wow. I'm sorry. that was a rude thing to do. tell her she's an eye sore.
That is so sad! Your step-mother should have told you that she was going to get rid of it before she just threw it away. That way you could have had a chance to hold on to it, even if you had to put it in your closet or somewhere. Your step-mom is a bitch for not understanding why you would hold such fond memories and feelings with that blanket, and I am sure your relationship with her will never quite be the same. So sorry, OP. FYL!