By afraidtoburn - 26/02/2012 04:18 - Canada

Today, I discovered that during fire drills, my school lines everyone up next to some extremely flammable and explosive propane tanks. If we ever have a real fire, we will all die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 386
You deserved it 2 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Mr25_fml 14

Damn homicidal superintendents

Sk8er951 3

It would be more of an FML if that actually happened lol

smb12346 17

Now you know how to save yourself.

Same with my school. On the bright side.. Hi :3

perdix 29

If it's a little fire in one room, you are in no danger from the propane tanks. If the whole building is engulfed, just give your teacher the name of the strip club, bar or casino you're going to, and enjoy the rest of your day ;)

Must be a Christian school. They're just trying to help you get to heaven faster.

So say something! Bring it up with the school's management.

Maybe it would be smart to mention it to someone? Your school's staff sounds very smart...