By frustrated - 30/10/2009 04:17 - Australia

By frustrated - 30/10/2009 04:17 - Australia
By Username - 09/08/2011 00:03 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/11/2020 20:01 - Canada - Toronto
By cantgetitupcantgetiton - 14/01/2010 01:02 - United States
By MrAries - 02/03/2016 11:45 - United States
By zingle af - 26/07/2017 20:00
By Anonymous - 12/08/2020 20:00
By Anonymous - 17/04/2009 14:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/10/2013 21:26 - Canada - Calgary
By Anonymous - 29/05/2023 22:00
By mavrick127 - 29/09/2016 14:21 - United States - Atlanta
I'm 17 and this happens to me don't feel too bad about it OP
stop drinking. or maybe your not attracted to your hand anymore. I would draw a moustache on it and call it berry. that should get ya going.
Get a job that requires you work the night shift. A job where a flaccid penis is preferred, if not required. Gigolo is NOT one such job. Then, during the day, cruise up and down the street blaring "Afternoon Delight" on your car stereo. Since it comes up every hour, do you call your penis "Old Faithful?" Do your erections occur at the bottom of the hour or the top, for example, one o' ****, two o' ****, etc?