By Whoops - 03/09/2009 20:28 - United States
Same thing different taste
Pretty mean
By thatgirl247 - 11/09/2009 17:05 - United States
Pansexuality awaits you
By Anonymoys - 22/02/2021 17:01
By worried - 16/08/2011 13:20 - United Kingdom
By poopboy - 16/01/2017 10:49
Wrong target
By footinmouth - 21/01/2009 23:15 - United States
By that girl has a beard - 04/08/2015 07:33 - Canada
By Anonymous - 16/01/2021 23:01
Bad guy
By sweetsixteenyay - 25/06/2015 19:16 - United Kingdom - Caerphilly
By Kevin - 05/02/2009 18:04 - United States
Suspicious minds
By Anonymous - 15/05/2016 22:25 - United States - Phoenixville
Top comments
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Show it anywaynot all women have enough in the boob department to make them noticeably female...some girls just have boyish figures...and some men have...a good bit in the boob area which doesn't help the situation
Yeah, because all women wear makeup, heels, and purses .Or shave their legs, for that matter.
Plus all women walk around showin' off their ******'s....yup!
LMAO # 30 and # 25. You guys are HILARIOUS. Made my day tho u guys are right LMAO.
Hhahaha. I knew this guy who looked like a chick, until he cut his hair. xD I always thought, wow look at those lesbos.. aw cute. And this year, this girl looks exactly like the guy... Funny shit. Ha
"...Don't you remember The fizz in a pepper Peanuts in a bottle At ten, two and four A fried bologna sandwich With mayo and tomato Sittin' round the table Don't happen much anymore We got too complicated It's all way over-rated I like the old and out-dated Way of life Back when a hoe was a hoe Coke was a coke And crack's what you were doing When you were cracking jokes Back when a screw was a screw The wind was all that blew And when you said I'm down with that Well it meant you had the flu I miss back when I miss back when I miss back when..." Im sure many of you remember those times. you know, back when GIRLS LOOKED LIKE GIRLS
back when by tim mcgraw for future references, you could always copy and paste the lyrics into google ;)
Welcome, coon!
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls Its a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for lola would be a better song for this situation. please either a. reply with lyrics that fit better, b. find lyrics that dont take up half the page or c. (and i vote for c) stop replying at all
A. They fit fine with my added comment, B. lyrics are no fun unless there's enough to recognize the song, or, if you don't know it off by heart, learn the basis of it, and C. I'm certain more people disagree with you than agree
You sir, have no creativity. FYL However, while there are people who don't like my lyrics, there are more that do. You do not have to read them. It IS possible to scroll down without reading everything......
thank god ive only left a couple of those :P
Today, i was reading the fmls with my brother. i said "wow these fmls are stupid. the mods must be on crack or something" Then, i got a knock at the door. it was an fml mod. she actually did do crack. i got karate chopped in the neck. fml
Maybe you can get her a pink barrette as a peace offering.
Some people just are hard to tell and don't try. It's not always your fault. I've done this before at work. Usually you can tell from facial features though because women don't have an adams apple.
There are some people like that at my school, including a teacher. Nobody knows whether it's a man or a woman, so we can't say "Mr." or Ms." We try not to address him/her at all, and in private we just call the teacher "it." We always feel bad about it, but there's seriously no way to tell. Some people are just like that.
oh ive done that before it was awful