By pigeons_suck - 11/05/2011 21:17 - United States

Today, I discovered what it feels like to get a ruptured sinus. More specifically, I discovered what it feels like to get a ruptured sinus from being hit in the face by a pigeon that was deflected from the windscreen of a van moving at about 35mph. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take the positive side: You could have been hit by a cow.

PSQ91 6

FYL. Pigeons suck, they're so useless.


FTPL But seriously, ruptured sinuses? Phwoar. I didn't even know you could rupture them. Sounds awful.

I totally read that as "ruptured anus" and I was thinking to myself, How hard would one have to be hit in the face in order to rupture their anus?

haha bird that flies up the anus of unsuspecting people

meggs2209 0

that's the kind of shit u can't even make up. fyl

hide yo kids, hide yo wives and hide yo husbands too cos they pigeoning everyone out here

You should have got the bird flew vaccine. I got the needle last year, and a bird hasn't flown into me yet.


hahahah. I'm sorry but i could not stop laughing for five full minutes after reading that! but FYL!!