By pigeons_suck - 11/05/2011 21:17 - United States

Today, I discovered what it feels like to get a ruptured sinus. More specifically, I discovered what it feels like to get a ruptured sinus from being hit in the face by a pigeon that was deflected from the windscreen of a van moving at about 35mph. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 426
You deserved it 2 804

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Take the positive side: You could have been hit by a cow.

PSQ91 6

FYL. Pigeons suck, they're so useless.


"199 flying rats left in Liberty City"

G_thelegend 0

what the shit? where in the world does crazy shit lile that happen?

Washington, a state in the United States of America.

Krista835 5

Wow that sounds really painful, mainly cause of the word ruptured >.< but yeah FYL I can't imagine how that'd feel hopefully it wasn't damaged too much and it gets better soon.

saint556 4
ghashlycrumbs 8

I'm sorry, but I really wish I had that on tape.

hellogoodbye1996 6

pigeons are so dirty its gross. I shoot them. stupid PETA come get your pet pigeon

You realize they help keep cities clean right?

how does ******** on my car keep anything clean? sure, they probably pick up trash and eat it but they still carry disease and are ugly sons of bitches. plus they keep ******** on my car

dezinspaaace 0

dumbass pigeon. god how i hate birds. fyl op, i feel your pain.

MedChew 19