By canucks_chick - 23/10/2011 05:45 - Canada

Today, I dislocated my jaw while giving my boyfriend a blowjob. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 662
You deserved it 21 053

Same thing different taste


Did you finish the job cause that's dedication if not congrats to your man on the blue balls

kardashik00 0

Well at least this FML isn't a BLOW to his ego.

Nice, some men would consider that a bonus skill. Lol.

philliphaggith 0
spencylicious12 0

Wow, you must give very intense ********...

chokolatecandie1 6

holy shit...feel better soon..

kknez23 0

Your boyfriend must feel real good about himself.

Who doesn't love a girlfriend with a slackjaw