By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada

Today, I excitedly checked the mail to see if my Halloween costume finally arrived. It didn't. I live in an isolated city, so finding a costume by any other means than the Internet was impossible. I spent over $100 for a costume that I won't even get to wear this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 6 983

Same thing different taste


Seriously, $100+ on a friggin cheap-ass costume? Why the f*** would you waste that much money on a cheaply made outfit that you are probably gonna wear once? That's a fail in itself right there. :P

Sorry, but how do you know what the costume is? It's not likely to be cheaply made if you're paying that much for it. I needed robes for my costume, £25 for cheap mass produced ones, or £90 for handmade ones. I paid the £90 and have beaut robes perfect for my size. I'm presuming for $100 they would be of a similar quality.

zacfreitas 1

Why even have one of ur Island and more sprcifially who spends 100 bucks on a costume

MoonPhase123 4

Just make a costume with what you have, And who would spend $100 on a costume?

FireNinja 3

Complain to the place u ordered it from. They should refund shipping

This is why when you're ordering things for a special occasion online, you always order extra early in case of shipping delays. Thumbs down me all you want, but this should be common sense.

perdix 29

Just think, you're going to have the most rockin' Armistice Day costume EVAR! Hardly anyone makes an effort on 11/11, so you are going to take your town by storm!

unmistakablyamaz 4

Why not make a trip out of town?? I live an hour away from any city large enough to have stores that sell decent costumes. But, if I was that worried about having a costume, I would make the trip instead of taking my chances on a possible delay in my shipping from ordering online. YDI for being too lazy to make the drive or at least ordering sooner.

Halloween's on the 31st, u still have time

leadman1989 15

Go as a pointy headed ghost.

To all the people who are bitching about OP spending $100 on a costume shut the hell up! Is it your money?? Some people love Halloween. We've spent as much money making costumes as ones you can buy in the past so making your own, while awesome, isn't always cheaper.