By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada

Today, I excitedly checked the mail to see if my Halloween costume finally arrived. It didn't. I live in an isolated city, so finding a costume by any other means than the Internet was impossible. I spent over $100 for a costume that I won't even get to wear this year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 017
You deserved it 6 983

Same thing different taste


Grab a few extension cords from around the house- a USB cord, an iPhone cord, etc (or whatever phone you use) and place them on and wrapped around you. Go as a "random hookup" :)

If you have clothes similar to what you'd wear to a club, dress up, use your makeup to put yourself in character and be a zombie superstar/dead diva or something. Red food coloring or baby powder do wonders for special effects makeup. With Halloween, there's no such thing as over-the-top! (unless you go as a nudist)

You deserved it bc why would you live in an isolated city in the first place?

Da ****? You would question why the op lives in a town?

Ontario? Our postal service isn't the greatest, granted, but if you know that deliveries take a while then you should've ordered it sooner. The best costumes are made at home with random shit lying around. Skull facepaint + buttloads of rolled gauze + fake blood = undead mummy. I did it once. Didn't have enough gauze so I went as a slutty undead mummy. Went over amazingly at the party o went to.

halloween costumes are SUCH a rip off

varkey 7

Why buy one costing that much? Anyway, can't you at least return it? FYL

Kill someone that is just a little fatter than you, step into their skin and cut out holes for breathing and so on!

paulie1998 0

I was just gonna be a witch... But I like your idea better! :D

At least you'll have a killer costume for next year

so what type of costume is that exactly?