By - 19/01/2012 05:14 - United States

Today, I explained to my dad that I think I have a vaginal infection. I asked if he could take me to the doctor. He responded by saying, "Just shove some ice up there. It'll go away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 207
You deserved it 3 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kaykay20 0

Guess you will be making the appointment yourself and taking a taxi?

Ice? Wow..Maybe ask your mom? Or a close FEMALE relative?


Why does everyone keep telling her to talk to her mom? Did the idea ever cross anyone's mind that she doesn't have one? Maybe she lives with a single father. It sounds like a UTI, OP. Drinking cranberry juice usually flushes it right out.

Just the idea of shoving ice up there is hilariously stupid...

Hey a cold pussy can be refreshing in the morning

That would make it hurt even more don't you think???

kwazywabbit 9

Ah yes, i had this not too long ago, if you don't go to see the doctor RIGHT NOW it will get worse and much more painful, nearly killed me, it's a urine infection!

Replace his hemmoroid cream with super glue. Have some ice on stand by, just in case he realizes.

DKjazz 20

Fill a small, preferably unused condom with water, tie it off and stick it in the freezer. Optionally, fill it with your favorite fruit juice instead, and make a delicious cocksickle. I've heard cranberry juice is especially effective.