By - 19/01/2012 05:14 - United States

Today, I explained to my dad that I think I have a vaginal infection. I asked if he could take me to the doctor. He responded by saying, "Just shove some ice up there. It'll go away." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 207
You deserved it 3 795

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kaykay20 0

Guess you will be making the appointment yourself and taking a taxi?

Ice? Wow..Maybe ask your mom? Or a close FEMALE relative?


iMagzzzy 0

Rub some dirt on it and play through the pain.

EWW. That make me cringe........ EWWW....

Cocksicles, I've never laughed so hard. Bahahaha

lolx7 5

just say, "Dad I have a female emergency. Can you take me to the doctor?" there done!

daweapon 1

At least he didn't ask youto show him exactly where the problem was.

Sorry to hear it OP! That sucks! If you can't go to the dr look on line some plants have natural antibiotics in them. Like garlic. You can get the pill form. Just saying and cranberry juice, it changes your ph in pee. Also there are some creams you can buy.

Don't you think that if she thought it was better/if she could tell her mum, she would've??

SKirkley092 4

I wouldn't do that to my daughter the first thing I would do is take her to the hospital and see if she was alright and see if it would effect her

wriptidez 0

tell him we said be a dad and take you to tge doctor