By Hannah - 04/03/2012 20:46 - United States

Today, I faced down the Godzilla of all spiders. I smashed the goddamned holy shit out of it. Trying to impress my cute new roommate, I scooped up the remains and showed him. It was his pet tarantula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 31 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do u impress someone by showing the smashes remains of a dead spider?

I would have done the same thing. The spider should not have been crawling around free, and he should have told u about his pet when moving in.


You both deserved it. He should have told you about his pet spiders, since many people are afraid of them. And you, well don't kill spiders! It didn't do anything to you and it's not its fault it's ugly >(

Who says they're ugly? That's just an opinion.

Spiders that size normally are poisonous, you know. Better kill them BEFORE they do anything to you

209- What? Turantula venom is basically nothing to humans, the only reasons turantulas are dangerous are their fangs and hairs.

209: Larger spiders don't really use that much venom. Tarantulas don't have very much venom, they rely on superior size to capture prey and fight predators and competition.

" I smashed the god damned holy shit out of it " :) This made my day .

MargieDrury 1
b33tle97 0

Why would you want to step on it? That would be alot of shit to clean up. If it were me my reaction would have just been to kick it out the door.

Quiet_one 22

But if you kick it, it might turn around and crawl up your leg! Better to kill it as quickly as possible before it has the chance to jump up and latch onto your face with its nasty spider legs. Unlikely? Yes. But these are the kinds of things a person with severe arachnophobia thinks about. It's called an irrational fear for a reason. :)

skyeyez9 24

Th godzilla of all spiders should never be considered a "pet."

skyeyez9 24

Good thing he didn't have a pet camel spider. Those things are hideous. I saw one in my house last summer.

cuddlebunny3548 11

You didn't find it weird to find a tarantula strutting about your home recently after your new room mate moved in? But seriously, its not your fault, he should have told you

sabb1228 0

This made me imagine that mentos commercial where the guy gets his ass kicked by the spider lol.

I laughed out loud because of how this was written. Hell, I'm still snickering. I probably wouldn't have killed Satan's pet bit rather summon the cute roommate to get it, thus he could explain that he owns the eight legged freak.

The roommate would me no longer cute .. After figuring out he had a spider pet Just saying(: