By Hannah - 04/03/2012 20:46 - United States

Today, I faced down the Godzilla of all spiders. I smashed the goddamned holy shit out of it. Trying to impress my cute new roommate, I scooped up the remains and showed him. It was his pet tarantula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 31 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do u impress someone by showing the smashes remains of a dead spider?

I would have done the same thing. The spider should not have been crawling around free, and he should have told u about his pet when moving in.


He shoulda told you he had a pet SPIDER!! I wouldn't feel bad

Tarantulas are pretty different in appearance from normal spiders. It's a little strange to me that you would recognize it as a giant house spider rather than a tarantula. Anyway, if it's not too badly smashed, you should fry it up. I would only recommend the legs though; the body doesn't taste very good.

Give him some head, he'll forget all about the stupid spider.

I don't think anyone will be impressed to see anything in bits and pieces with its guts all over the place. Definitely not a way to impress someone.

bizarre_ftw 21

Why the **** would a tarantula be in Oregon unless it was a pet?! I mean, okay, your roommate is a dipshit for letting it loose, but the bloody things aren't easy to mistake for other creatures/spiders, it would've been ******* obvious it was a tarantula! So back to the original point, why would there be a tarantula in your apartment were it not a pet? Take a second to think next time (however against the fight or flight instinct it may be)

PhilSchaffhouser 0

I dont care how hot anyonre is, if they have a pet spider they're not attractive

Well, I don't really think that's the best way to impress him, by killing a spider that is. However, fyl because it's by no means your fault him not warning you that he had one. I would have done the same thing by killing it.

Showed Your Roommate The Remains? Smooth Move...

Did it occur to any of you that maybe she moved into his place instead of him moving into hers so him owning the tarantula wouldn't be bad at all?? Or are you all just too fixated on the fact that a guy owned a spider?? Cause thats not uncommon at all.

SaMmIMonster96 6

99- that was an awesome fail :p But it is still a little creepy