By Hannah - 04/03/2012 20:46 - United States

Today, I faced down the Godzilla of all spiders. I smashed the goddamned holy shit out of it. Trying to impress my cute new roommate, I scooped up the remains and showed him. It was his pet tarantula. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 996
You deserved it 31 764

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How do u impress someone by showing the smashes remains of a dead spider?

I would have done the same thing. The spider should not have been crawling around free, and he should have told u about his pet when moving in.


alicealice_fml 3

He should've told you. Cause I would go apeshit If I saw a tarantula too.

MargieDrury 1

Hey I was scrolling down and your pic the one girl looks like Ke$ha.

HannahWho 8

Its okay fellow Hannah, I would do the same thing. He/she should have told you about Fluffy before they brought it into the apartment/house. They had no way of knowing if you were spider phobic or not. It's like any other animal, respect your roommate and don't bring something like that in. We don't have many of them here, but I woke up to one on our kitchen table. I screamed and my brother ended up having to get it out of the house. It was scary as ****.

Haha, did you have to name it Fluffy? That's the name of a cat skull I found when I was little and kept as a type of pet rock.

MargieDrury 1

Not to be a jerk but that's soo funny omg but if that were me id die inside.

perdix 29

I'd say you and the spider are victims here. Your roommate, cute but stupid, should have told you he was going to let his pet run free. On the plus side, there are some guys who are turned on by women who take on dangerous creatures with decisive action. It means they're going to be able to handle The Python later on ;)

kirstendanielle1 0

I am absolutely terrified of spiders and I still wouldn't have the heart to kill should have opened the door and directed it outside. Or better yet gotten the cute roommate to set it out for you, thus saving you the shame and him the sadness of killing a beloved pet. YDI.

"Opened the door and directed it out" LOLWHAT? Hannah: *opens door* Hannah: "SPIDER GTFO!" Spider: "NU I DON'T WANT TO!" Spider: *scurries away*

HannahWho 8

Depending on the type of spider it was, it could have been poisonous. Sometimes killing something is just a natural reaction to danger.

kirstendanielle1 0

Bad wording. I meant like with a piece of paper or something. If I see a bug or spider inside I try to gently push it out with a piece of paper or cardboard or something similar so I don't have to touch it. And yes it definitely could have been poisonous but I don't have that "kill it" instinct. Which is why I probably would have gotten the roommate to handle the whole situation

I don't think killing it is that great a defence mechanism, since it generally involves getting close to whatever it is you are so mortally scared of. Asking someone else to deal with it seems the better option, you'll never actually be in danger :p

That's why you KILL IT WITH ******* FIRE. Everyone should have a backup flamethrower for this reason :)!

i would've done the same thing,spiders a creepy.

That was your roommate's fault. They should have TOLD you that they had a tarantula for a pet. Your roommate should've also kept it in a cage! How were you supposed to know if they didn't tell you? That sucks, but still, they should've told you!

TheFamilyElf 17

I don't blame you. If your giant spider is roaming around my home, I don't care how special it is, I'm smashing the crap out of it.

He should've mentioned something about having a pet tarantula.

hilary56 0

I would have killed it too! He should have gave you like a heads up about it though.