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By Anonymous - 16/05/2012 10:45 - United States

Today, I fell into a hole. And by hole, I mean a sewer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 532
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"That's a shirty situation." "What a shit hole." "The shit hit the fan." "All the other shit related puns here" Just saving everyone some time and effort.

Did you see the Ninja Turtles while you were down there?


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How do you know OP was texting? Jump to conclusions much?

How do you know OP was texting?? They could have just been not watching where they are going.

ripresno 10

You never know 1 could be OP's stalker and was being ninja like while following the OP.

reddudeover 2

Put out that cigar son, only real men can pull it off. You just look like you're sucking on a chode.

"That's a shirty situation." "What a shit hole." "The shit hit the fan." "All the other shit related puns here" Just saving everyone some time and effort.

Vash_41288 10

"That's a shirty situation?" :Jedi mind trick: that's not the pun your looking for.. (waves hand)

Oops, must have been autocorrect. I fail. :(

alshygirl 14

You forgot "that stinks" but don't worry, 7 has it covered

sexygurllolz 1

I can imagine seeing this on tumblr as a picture with the caption "Fell into a sewer, LOL TXT IT"

Shit happens... That was a low blow, I know.

Well, that guy's day went down the shitter quickly...

geerod22 5

Holey shit. I figured that would be one of the first I saw.

And what was your reaction?!... Oooh, Shit! =O:::

You feel in an open manhole? How did you not see that?

This comment was cool. And misterjez had to come and **** it up.

misterjez- please, just stop commenting...

91- he had posted "*fell," but if you see all of his other comments, they aren't that impressive either.

CurlyGurlF 6

My Uncle broke his foot doing that same exact thing!

Aw crap, I didn't even see my error. Sorry guys!

MerrikBarbarian 9

I did the same thing while out running. The open hole was just over a hill so by the time I realized there was no cover on it all I could do was grab the edges to stop from falling in fully. If you aren't on flat terrain and going faster then a walk it's very possible to do

Oh because I thought you were using code for sex until the second sen

Opheliac73 8

You never know; he fell into a manhole full of shit? -INNUENDO ALERT-

hahauRrcool 0

I hate when that happena to me.

I hate-a when it a-happens too-a me-a too! Damn it, too much Mario world.

Did you see the Ninja Turtles while you were down there?

Raphael: GTFO, mother ******! Im doin' turtle shit down here!

CuteDumBlonde64 11
VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

That's the first thing that came to my mind. I bet OP just hovered above it for a few seconds until the situation sunk in. Then they fell and literally sunk in.

And by "sewer" you mean a very large ******. Well, that's how I interpreted it.

Airman1988 9

If he references a sewer I would quicker assume that the hole he fell into was an anus.

StopDropNRoll 11

This is probably the first time I've ever seen DocBastard thumbed down.

Then you must be new here. You don't have to search very far to find my various failures here.

I thought all your comments started with 40 thumbs up by default.

122, who exactly are you referring to?