By Anonymous - 19/12/2010 09:17 - New Zealand

Today, I fell over on the bus. X-Rays revealed not only that I have been growing extra bones in my foot, but that when I fell, I crushed all of them. Doctors don't know how to fix bones that aren't supposed to be there, so they're just going to cut them out. Two days before Christmas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 151
You deserved it 2 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ask if you can keep the freak bones! You can make a necklace as a gift!


FYLDeep 25

This is why city buses have such a bad rep. Everyone's afraid of being stuck next to a freak. In this case some mutant with too many bones in him.

tizz, how do you know that there are not more "extra" parts. That fatty lump could be a twig and giggleberries.

loveurlifeJK 5

On the first day of Christmas my doctor gave to bones in my foot.

1121osu2110 0

it's not that bad... think of it this way... people get to wait on u hand and foot! lol I had a broken foot... you will be ok in about 2 weeks, after the surgery...

your clearly a pampered little girl I broke my foot and nobody helped me for shit and when I had my knee surgery all I could do was pop my vicodin and tough it around

Sounds like op is having the surgery 2 days before Christmas.

knibbsy 4

The surgery is scheduled for the 23rd, you little tooth thief. Da'hurp durp NASCAR wincest Budweiser. Forget about bros and hoes, it's bucks and does for you!

Was it just in one foot, OP? You didn't feel anything weird? Ah well. :D God's Christmas present to you, do you like it?

That sucks, OP. At least you'll be waited on hand and foot. As for all the people asking how it's even possible to have extra bones in your feet: It's very possible, and actually pretty common.

UpsidedownKayak 9

Preditors always win! Watch AVP again.

UpsidedownKayak 9