By resipsahipsta - 28/06/2009 17:42 - United States

Today, I finally cracked the password on my husband's email account. I don't know which is worse: finding out your husband is cheating on you with several people, or finding his password includes his ex-girlfriend's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 210
You deserved it 24 412

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You might wanna get a lawyer before you tell him what you found.

Oooh man, that just sucks all around! I wish I could give you a hug!


you realize that hacking into someones account, no matter what it is, is illegal, right? You deserve it. Also, there's too many raging ******'s on here. A man is not going to cheat on a girl for no good reason, she must have obviously done/be doing something that drove him to this.

Yes, she's wrong for snooping, but can we all remember that the snooping came AFTER the cheating?? How can she deserve it, when it happened before she even committed this act that you all deem so terrible?? Although, leaving before you do something wrong kind of goes both ways. He should've divorced her long before he ever got to the point where he felt he needed to cheat - but if she was that unhappy and suspicious of her husband, then why did she stay with him either?? I'd never stay with my husband if I truly thought he was the type of person to do anything like that. Even IF it had turned out her husband wasn't cheating, it doesn't say much about the happiness in your relationship if you feel you can't trust your significant other.

Kristoffer 35

Cracking his email password is inexcusable no matter what he's SUSPECTED of doing. She had no knowledge ahead of time, if she even suspected it she didn't mention that. So she was being a nosy bitch and got what she deserved for it.

bob1124 0

Both FYL and YDI. YDI because you're snoopy. FYL because...I mean wow.

AssOf2009 0

I don't know what's worse, the fact that you invaded your husbands privacy, or the fact that I'm not surprised he's cheating on you.

Took the words right out of my mouth (keyboard?).

Kristoffer 35

You nosy ******* bitch, why did you go through his personal and private correspondence in the first place? You had no right to do so. *****.

cactus_fml 0

All of the people who are calling her nosy and a ***** need to STFU. Have you considered that maybe she had seen signs that he was cheating and she hacked his e-mail for concrete proof before she went off the deep end and jumped to conclusions? I'm sure she didn't just decide to hack it for no reason. She probably thought he was cheating because of how he was acting or something and hacked it for either proof that he was and she needed to get rid of him, or peace of mind that he wasn't.

AntiChrist7 0

YDI twice. 1 for marrying a cheating ass 2 for not respecting his privacy

tallproducer 0

ugh.i HATE cheaters with a passion!!and yeah yeah u snooped oblivously there was a reason right?and its better you found out now then later,because if hes cheating hes a coward and proly would have never told you.All these people on here hated on you for that but what they dont realize is a cheater doesnt care if you find out,its easier for them because then they dont have to tell you,Do yourself a favor and find someone you can actually trust!why cant people just leave instead of cheat or kill their spouse???

YDI. I kinda think that if you're willing to crack his e-mail password there's probably a few other problems going on that pushed him away from you. Nobody likes living with a paranoid.