By Anonymous - 02/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, I finally finished painting a house that took me 3 weeks to complete at 10 hours a day, including weekends, due to my dedication to perfection. When I went to meet with the homeowner for pay day, which was supposed to be $2000, he gave me $200, 5 tacos and then told me to "get the f*** off my lawn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 896
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the tacos at the wall u painted and ask for the money ur supposed to get!

I can't wait to see this on Judge Judy.


dude, sue his ass or deport him or say he's got weed

YDI for being a ****** pussy. How can you let someone do that to you and just take? I'd be throwing bricks threw windows if someone tried that shit on me.

I agree with #164. I'd wait until the cover of darkness before metaphorically raping the house. Also, use written contracts in the future.

monkeysgoooh 0

were you painting the white house?

raininsnow 0

srsly... house painter??? see if you got a good education this wouldn't have happened. :)

x3molover 0

I smell a lawsuit coming on.. Sue the bitch and get the extra 18 hundred! >:O

ugotdance 0

u can sue saying you didn't get what you were promised.

This man has almost certainly committed at least one crime. You need a lawyer to help you with this. Your county's Legal Aid Office is the first place you call if you can't afford one. If you're not eligible for their services, they will point you to someone who is. Please don't let this pass. He'll just keep on doing this to others.

KittehSayzRAWR 0

If I were you, I'd go to his house at night and draw a bunch of ******* big penis' all over his house.