By Anonymous - 02/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, I finally finished painting a house that took me 3 weeks to complete at 10 hours a day, including weekends, due to my dedication to perfection. When I went to meet with the homeowner for pay day, which was supposed to be $2000, he gave me $200, 5 tacos and then told me to "get the f*** off my lawn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 896
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the tacos at the wall u painted and ask for the money ur supposed to get!

I can't wait to see this on Judge Judy.


Never do work in advance for later payment unless you have a CONTRACT. You can find forms for this kind of thing at any major office supply store or on the internet. Do not ever work for someone unless you have recourse against non-payment. Let this be a (very expensive) lesson to you. And still consider suing.

Oh, and if you *are* and immigrant and that guy's taco stunt was an attempt at a racial attack, you should file criminal charges against him. (hope you're legal, that way, you can pursue justice).

LeexaaFreeszh 0

Haha.. At least you got tacos (: lol xD

666Broghan666 0

throw the money at his house and ask for more tacos

ydi for not demanding money upfront or pay on a weekly basis.

10 hours a day for three weeks? were you painting the white house? there's no way it should take you 210 hours to paint one house.

saltycookies 5

I'd burn that house to the ground!