By Anonymous - 02/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, I finally finished painting a house that took me 3 weeks to complete at 10 hours a day, including weekends, due to my dedication to perfection. When I went to meet with the homeowner for pay day, which was supposed to be $2000, he gave me $200, 5 tacos and then told me to "get the f*** off my lawn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 896
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the tacos at the wall u painted and ask for the money ur supposed to get!

I can't wait to see this on Judge Judy.


this post seems made up, my mom just had her house painted and it is a 5,000 sqft 2 story house, she paid $5000, there were 2 painters and they got done in 4 days and only worked about 8 hours and they were "perfectionists" about it as well. one of the guys got a glob on the lower area by the ground and didn't realize it until the next day and took the time to correct it. so unless he was painting a super mansion with intricate details, it shouldn't have taken him that long, and he should have asked for more than $2k. judging by the $2k estimate i am guessing it was a fairly normal sized house, and unless you had to stop working due to weather issues, even with one guy, there is no way you took 21 days to do this, and if you did, then ydi. no one wants someone painting their house for almost a month, sounds like you were slacking. you still don't deserve the stiff, but i really hope you learned a lesson from all of this #1. get it in writing #2 . give them an estimate as to how long it will take you and try to stick with it #3. if 21 days is your average time to complete an exterior painting job, find a new career

i forgot to mention that $5000 is a really low price for the amount of work she had done, the owner of the company is a long time family friend so he gave her a really big discount.

scottiealan 0

was u doing it all by urself and I'd take him to court and also sue for some extra called interest ;)

he doesn't sound like an immigrant with good English... lol u should had ****** him up badly n gone through his wallet... been there done something at least

zach55 0

well he has to pay the 2000 or you sue him. so for him pay the 2000 or pay a lot more then that cause he just got sued

shit on the new paint job. I know it's vertical, but i think he deserves for you to shit directly onto the walls.

That's what you get for being an illegal immigrant. Maybe next time you'll think twice before stealing American jobs.

What makes you think hes an illegal immigrant? Does anyone who can't quite manage their job properly automatically become an illegal immigrant for you? And before you go off on the whole "American jobs" thing, most immigrants do the dirty work. Janitoring, plumbing and such. And they do it well - they have work ethic. I bet your fat arse doesn't.

Tacos made me thing he was an illegal immigrant. I live in Florida so I know there is a lot of illegal Cubans and Mexicans who take jobs from Americans who could do them just as well. Americans have just as much worth ethic as illegal immigrants do; illegal immigrants get the jobs because they work for less cash. Why would they work for less cash? Because they are leeching off our Welfare system and by working under the table for cheap they get some pretty pennies to send back to Mexico, rather than spend it in American stores, which is what an American worker would do. Illegal immigrants are one of the things that are slowing down our economic recovery.

sneak there at night and paint a big huge dick on a big open part in the front or sides not back with permanent paint

Sparkiee93 3
chevyygirl 0

Be a man and go get the money you deserve, you'll never make it if you dont stand up to people who use you. Next time get a contract for your client to sign(;