By Anonymous - 02/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, I finally finished painting a house that took me 3 weeks to complete at 10 hours a day, including weekends, due to my dedication to perfection. When I went to meet with the homeowner for pay day, which was supposed to be $2000, he gave me $200, 5 tacos and then told me to "get the f*** off my lawn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 896
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the tacos at the wall u painted and ask for the money ur supposed to get!

I can't wait to see this on Judge Judy.


Lolwutfyl 0

YDI for being bad at your job

thatonedame 6

hope you're quote was in writing. sue him.

trey9991 0

that's why u sign contracts on big jobs like that. ydi

kaite990 0

sue tht asshole!! i would id bee like ive worked my ass off on ur house now give me my 2000$!!!

lawsuit, but if there were no papers involved you could have just kept the money and come by at night with 10 different buckets of paint and splashed it all

If you dont like the tacos then I will have them. So everyone's happy. Except for you