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Bad pig!

By otter - 17/08/2011 02:05 - United States

Today, my potbellied pig ate my neighbor's award-winning flower garden, that she has been growing for almost three years. She'd told me that she was bringing the judges of the competition, in which she was in line to win $300, to her house in two days. I have yet to tell her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 666
You deserved it 16 648

Same thing different taste

Top comments

androiddestroya 7

you have a pet pig!? lucky!!!!! :D

You need to tell her. The sooner the better.


You're an idiot. Waits for a mod to see the post

You need to tell her. The sooner the better.

-2 give he bacon and tell her it's of your big, the flowers shall live on through the bacon.

IndiRae 9

300 dollars doesn't seem worth three years of a persons life. Especially considering they most likely spent a hell of a lot more than that on the garden in those years.

Sounds like your pig is *puts on sunglasses* gonna be bacon.

-2 I'm going to remake my comment, Buy bacon and tell her that it is your pig, the flowers will live on through the bacon.

IndiRae 9

40- That first comment was pretty derpy. But I now understand. Thank you for the clarification.

jillianmathers12 13

Just give her $300 it isn't that much! You could probably sell your pig for more then that!

-42 As a wise man once said "I prayed to the moderating gods, but they did not answer"

Jaimegirl 7

3 years of work for one competition that will award you only $300??... Also how would she not realize that her garden is already destroyed by now? haha

EnEl_Infierno 15

Drinking till I look pretty which will take ALOT lol. And Ydi op for letting your pig to be such a pig.

tylersign 11

70- it's time for you to be quiet.

looks like spiderpig got in and out quick and even had time to grab a quick lunch... turns out he does have powers ;)

EnEl_Infierno 15

Lol 97 I wish it was within in my power, "but me nots drunk as u think I am" =P but i thought that was pretty funny.

wintamint101 7

just tell her racoons ate it or something

kittykat1501 31

56 exactly what I was thinking.

androiddestroya 7

you have a pet pig!? lucky!!!!! :D

I don't understand how this is OP's FML. it sounds more like it should say Today, my asshole neighbor's pig ate my flower garden. I've been growing it for three years and was going to bring judges over in two days, hoping to win $300. FML

Then again OP might have to pay $300. Or atleast something for destroying his neighbors work and time.

aFatFuck 0

If you have enough money to raise a pot belly pig hopefully you have enough to reimburse your neighbor 300 dollars.

^OP should have nothing to worry about then?

Having a pet pig in your house is like washing and feeding a plate of bacon.

No, not lucky. Pigs are JERKS! My best friend has one. If you are in the house long enough, the pig starts to challenge you for dominance by following you around, rooting you with its snout and biting at your toes. The only way to make it leave you alone is to straddle it and press it down a little. This makes the pig scream out in a murderous, high pitched squeal from the bowels of hell. You have to do this until you can pet it and calm it down. It doesn't hurt the pig to do it, but it will hurt your ears A LOT. After getting to know this animal, I understand why policemen and politicians are called "pigs."

liy223 6

Look on the bright side. Op has got to be the first person ever in FML history to begin a story with the words "today my potbellied pig..."

Tell her and be ******* happy you got a pet pig!!! So jealus right now

The pig starts to challenge you for dominance. The PIG starts to challenge YOU, the person who probably ate its mother and father for breakfast that morning, for dominance. This reminds me of my chihuahuas running at Rottweilers like there's any other way this situation could go down. XD Also, any pig that challenges me in my own f*cking house is going between two slices of bread for breakfast. o_o

Eh...not really. I love animals, even the ones that suck. But Wilbur's gonna be living in the backyard.

bryannab1 0

It's my friend's pig. I would never be so STUPID as to own a pig as a pet.

It all depends on the pig. I've had 3. Because they are males who are not neutered, yeah, they'll be territorial and shoe dominance. However, they are nor mean and they would never aim to hurt anyone. One of them, Mu, only shows dominance to the other pig, Olliver, because Ollie is a new pig and Mu is "king of the pig pen." Pigs are not house pets. They like mud and fresh grass.

ariomario2 0

Tell her sooner rather than later! Or it will be much worse...

qyka 5

Ya. But really more like f her life :{

I would go for the dick move here and not tell her. Unless you have a spare 300$ around to give as an apology.

JPLovesAnimals 4

No. Because what if she wouldn't have won anyway.

sxe_beast 11

But the right thing would be to give her the 300 dollars. Who cares if they wouldn't have won? All that effort put into it and the OP's lack of control over their pet... Just cough up the 300 dollars. Its not that much and the least the OP can do.

Prankster7o7 5

$300 is kinda a lot in today's economy, you know I could get at least 3 tanks of fuel for that much. :/

sxe_beast 11

I can get like 5 tanks on $300 :D!

Yes 123, you are absolutely right. If the OP can't control his or her animal, then the OP should pay up. Really, OP, what an asshole move to not tell your neighbor that your unattended animal trashed her property. This is exactly WHY I hate pets. The person who owns the animal and the person who gets stuck putting up with the animal's shitty behavior are never the same person.

sxe_beast 11

No, I was wrong I can get like nearly 4 tanks of gas on $300 (like 3.75). So I was wrong. I completely fail at math :(!. My SUV is a gas guzzling beast. I should have gotten a Prius, lol.

I agree, or just have ur pet stay at someone's house until it all blows over. and tell her it died a few days ago before the event happened and then say u got a new one.

doesn't matter whether she would win, she now has zero chance due to OP not securing their pig. Replacing all of the plants will probably cost about that much.

Sounds like the pig is going to owe her $300.

Why the hell do you have a pig??? Do you like Rooney that much? (thumbs up if you got that)

Thumbs down because your comment is stupid.

IndiRae 9

Thumbs down because you seem like a bitch. But so do I. So. Eh, **** it.

My comment wasn't meant for this one, sorry, I don't know why it is on this comment.

Damn that sucks, best to tell her soon! I love pigs by the way(:

BooGhosted 0

You're both now screwed by the readers of FML and their power to thumb up or down.

BooGhosted 0
androiddestroya 7
BooGhosted 0

It's a sad day when only the Nazi gets thumbs up :