By Anonymous - 02/08/2010 05:05 - United States

Today, I finally finished painting a house that took me 3 weeks to complete at 10 hours a day, including weekends, due to my dedication to perfection. When I went to meet with the homeowner for pay day, which was supposed to be $2000, he gave me $200, 5 tacos and then told me to "get the f*** off my lawn." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 896
You deserved it 5 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

throw the tacos at the wall u painted and ask for the money ur supposed to get!

I can't wait to see this on Judge Judy.


perdix 29

At $360 a pop, I hope you were referring to tuna tacos -- and nice, clean, good-looking ones, not the typical trailer-park ****** that service most of Florida's needs. Taking over 200 hours to paint a house seems awfully long and inefficient. He probably recognized your "dedication to perfection" was merely incompetence.

TheDrifter 23

That's what I was thinking. 200 hours to paint a typical florida house is about 150 hours longer than it should be. The homeowner should have given op a bill for late completion penalties, or called immigration and watched to see how long it took op to convince them that his id wasn't stolen and that he is american.

sports_chic 6

WHAT?! That sounds like a hell of a deal to me. What I would do for 5 tacos. :P

Criminal58369 0

The guy was probably pissed it took you so long to paint it - either you were sleeping on the job or you're in a wrong profession.

Ray9889 8

That or it wasn't a small job. Depends on the size of the house and the previous color. Also some houses may need 2 even 3 coats of paint.

TheDrifter 23

Op took 4 times the usual 2 coat painting time for a 2200 sq ft. house. If it was a mansion I'm sure he would have mentioned it. It's far more likely op is either incompetent, lazy or both.

doctor_itsmylife 3

some expensive tacos right there

maxrider 0
finalyearsofhate 22

... and this is EXACTLY why you get half of your payment upfront. use it as a lesson, and then take him to court.

**** that douchebag! you should of wrote up a contract and had him sign it b4 doing anywork.