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By Anonymous - 08/04/2011 15:30 - United States

Today, I finally found a reason to quit smoking. I threw my cigarette butt out the window and it blew back in, went down the back of my pants, and burnt my butt in 3 different places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 928
You deserved it 54 313

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MyNameIsBruce 0

Turns out the wind doesn't like smoking either


Smoking hasn't found a reason to quit you, bitch.

Yeah!!!! the almighty cigarette will be the last one standing, after drowning in your own body fluid that fills your lungs from a more than hideous losing battle with lung cancer! SMOKE-EM' UP!

Finally found a reason? FINALLY? What took you so long? Still didn't believe all that nonsense about lung cancer, heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular disease, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis? Or did you just enjoy your mouth smelling and tasting like an ashtray? Good luck with that whole quitting thing, idiot.

MyNameIsBruce 0

Yea really. Somebody obviously wasn't looking to hard, were they...

a_cassie 4

or in simpler words, smoking is icky! :)

gutzz 0

It took op so long because there hasn't been a windy enough day until now. they can't control the weather you know!! what do you expect...

PSQ91 6

Yeah, because to stop smoking is so easy...

I actually found having parents who smoke to make it really easy NOT to start up. They have horrible teeth, smell awful, cough up pieces of lung, and look at least a decade older than they are. I wasn't about to say "Sign me up for that!" after what I grew up with.

Reira, please divulge your sources. I'd love to know how eating fast food is worse than smoking. Last I checked, eating McDonald's doesn't cause several types of cancer. And I don't see anyone with their lips firmly attached to a tailpipe breathing in all those car fumes, unlike smokers sucking all those carcinogens directly into their lungs, you twit. Get over myself? **** you. I'm trying to be a public health advocate here.

Doc, I wish my gp was like you. She likes to prescribe me medication that causes me to black out. And seriously? Fast food is worse than smoking? The next time fast food causes one of my parents to die of lung and throat cancer, I'll let you know, kay?

MyNameIsBruce 0

My thoughts exactly. I've lost two close family members in the last year because of smoking, and never, ever, ever have I known any one die from mcdonalds overdose

TheDrifter 23

I think she was going for the fast food=obesity=all obesity related diseases link. I'm pretty sure that very few smokers ever thought that sucking on a lit stick was going to be good for them.

To those saying that it's hard to quit smoking, if you really want to quit you would. I was a smoker for over 16 years and developed asthma because of it, so I had to quit because my health is more important. I also quit cold turkey, so it is possible and you can do it if you really want to.

Mimiroxxi 0

lmao I luv Docs comments. 56, how is McDonalds worst? do you actually believe that smoking is safer....? obviously..

56 my dad had a stroke last year because of smoking. he's only 38. my uncle has throat cancer my great aunty has lung cancer. all smoking related. when a ******* big mac kills people then make that argument shit head.

Sprocket 5

I wouldn't care if you smoked, except you tried to litter. Seriously. If you have the money to invest in those cancer causers, at least do us a favor and buy an ash tray. You wouldn't want to see some hairy plumber's butt, so pretend that is what cigs are.

notquite69 0

I can't stand smokers who throw their cigs out the window? Why? The only reason I've ever been given is that they stink in the car. Guess what - your car, your clothes, and YOU already stink. The rest of us can smell you a mile away and we can smell you long after you leave. Stop being an idiot and leaving your trash around for all to see. ******' morons.

xJordieeBearhhx 0

you need to chill, if someone wants to smoke, well it's not your business, there's nothing wrong with smoking.

Did you seriously say that there is nothing wrong with smoking? How ******* stupid can you get?

40 - you are an idiot. Not just because you said that there is nothing wrong with smoking.. but also because you completely missed the point. Littering is disgusting, smoking is disgusting, throwing lit cigarettes out the window is disgusting. If you don't care about killing yourself slowly, at least keep the environment clean from your nasty habit. Not to mention you could start a fire.

I couldn't have said it better myself! and jordie.. you're an idiot

Fuckin_Panda 0

your pants were down so low that it was able to get into your pants and not bounce off? jeezus.

pants on the ground! pants on the ground! lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground! walkin' downtown with your hat turned sideways lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!

sivuplay 0

i cant help but wonder how you were sitting and what kind of pants you were wearing for this to be remotely possible.