By random person - 09/07/2013 17:51 - United States

Today, I finally got my laptop back after my friend broke it a few weeks ago. As I walked back into our place with my laptop in my bag, the same friend burst out and tackled me. My bag fell and slammed into the floor. Guess who has to pay for another repair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 234
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Them, whether with money or an extreme ass whoopin'


If your friend is reckless with people and their valuables, I can't see them being very responsible with their own money. I hope they can find a way to pay for the repairs and my condolences to the laptop for going through battle damages.

At this point, you should consider getting an extended warranty that covers accidental damage for your next laptop.

I would certainly be making said friend pay for repair. Who the hell just tackles someone??

I think your friend should pay for your repairs

Well, you said guess, so.... him/her.

You should call your friend on to pay... his fault twice and not even speaking of the fact you have to be without a computer (which you probably need) during the reapir time? FYL OP and honestly if your friend didn't spet up for the plate you should tell him he should... He is not behaving like a friend.

make your "friend" pay for it. they are the one who broke it

baristagirl2003 7

Based on both happenings, I'd say your friend. In which case, they should've had to pay for the original repair too. Tell your friend to pay up or stay out.