By random person - 09/07/2013 17:51 - United States

Today, I finally got my laptop back after my friend broke it a few weeks ago. As I walked back into our place with my laptop in my bag, the same friend burst out and tackled me. My bag fell and slammed into the floor. Guess who has to pay for another repair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 234
You deserved it 4 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

expertsmilee 26

Them, whether with money or an extreme ass whoopin'


Surely they're paying for it? You just don't tackle people randomly

Maybe you do, but not while they have a bag that could contain something valuable.

Chellybelly92 14

If the answer is you, why are you paying when your friend should be paying?

LivingLouder 7

Why don't you just steel his laptop?

Spring2013Bio 3

Your friend needs to pay the repair, I don't care if didn't think you had your laptop on you, usually you don't do that to people that are carrying their things.

At this point, If I were OP, I would just say forget it and bash my friend over the head with the laptop.

avapaige1234 19