By Anonymous - 02/09/2015 15:41 - Australia

Today, I finally got the results of months of extensive psychological testing to determine why I did so well in my course but performed so terribly on the job. Turns out I'm autistic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 951
You deserved it 1 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's nothing to be ashamed of,OP! You're still clearly very intelligent. :-) I'm sure you will do great with more training/practice. Don't give up!

You're not wrong, but there are usually signs as a child that a parent notices and goes to a doctor for. Unfortunately you aren't born with mental or physical diseases you have printed on your chest. OP may be very low on the spectrum, meaning he's high functioning and displaying few signs, and his parent dismissed them as "quirks".


One of the most amazingly smart people I have ever met has a form of autism he is extremely violent and more then not he is trying to hurt one of the staff at my work all because he is going through big changes right now dietary changes and school he used to arrive 45 mins later then he does now so by the time he finishes snake or sees the first child go home that was normally there when he went home he freaks out and pulls our hair and scratches us and bites us but we all love him dearly no matter what he does to us and we would love him the same is he wasn't on the spectrum He does things out other students are not aloud to do like hitting us lol but that's just him meanwhile he can repeat almost a whole conversation someone had with someone else in a completely different room a week later and to be honest he's not a very verbal autistic child u might get a "hi" out of him But my moral of the story is we all truly love this child no matter what he has! Or doesn't have !

Don't worry. I am too. You will make it. Not that I have made it yet. I am only 16.