By Flattie - 14/09/2017 04:30

Today, I finally measured myself to find a properly fitted bra. I'm AAA, a size which doesn't technically exist. Goodbye self esteem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 586
You deserved it 358

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please don't let the size of your **** define who you are; your personality is more important for a long term relationship. This would have sounded like bullshit to me a few years ago, but now, at 28 years old, and dying inside to have my first real girlfriend, I understand it. **** I feel old. But please, don't think you are less valuable as a human being because of your chest size. Please.


Whenever you think that big breasts must be better than little ones, ask yourself this question. What will a 25 year old woman have between her big **** when she is 80? Answer: Her belly button.


coralrose 6

you had to go get fitted to realize you dont have ****? jesus so are you blind too?